

La Hamelin-Laie International School Barcelona la formem una pròspera comunitat internacional de gent on el seu fill o la seva filla passarà per apassionants experiències dins i fora de l’aula.  Això els ajudarà a tenir una visió del món molt més ampla i plena de possibilitats. Aquí podran aconseguir tot el que cal per dur a terme les seves passions, creant també la confiança per fixar-se reptes i superar fronteres. 
Hamelin-Laie International secondary school children
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Hamelin-Laie International School | Barcelona | Nord Anglia - Feature quote
Oferim als nostres estudiants un entorn acadèmic enriquidor i estimulant, a més d’un entorn emocional estable basat en l’optimisme i valors sòlids. Amb amabilitat i compromís, els estudiants estan donant forma al futur.
Sarah Osborne James
Directora general,  Hamelin-Laie International School Barcelona 
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A Hamelin-Laie International School Barcelona, adoptem un enfocament integral que prepara al seu fill o la seva filla per al món com a ciutadà internacional. Com ho fem? Fem costat al seu fill o la seva filla tant en el seu creixement personal i social com en el seu desenvolupament acadèmic. I això marca la diferència.

Se’ls ofereix tot el que necessiten per aconseguir uns resultats fantàstics i també prosperar a la vida, més enllà dels exàmens. Treballant al costat del seu professor, el seu fill o la seva filla farà el seu creixement mitjançant el nostre programa d’aprenentatge basat en el currículum nacional vigent a Espanya. Els nostres professors personalitzaran la formació per adaptar-se als interessos i al talent del seu fill o la seva filla, fent-li costat i també desafiant-lo a cada oportunitat que es presenti.

Aquest enfocament personalitzat permetrà al seu fill o la seva filla preparar-se per a les etapes següents de la seva educació internacional: el programa de Diploma de Batxillerat Internacional o el Batxillerat Nacional. Aquests excepcionals programes porten a molts dels nostres estudiants a rendir per sobre de la mitjana mundial i nacional, obrint-los les portes a les millors universitats de tot el món.

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An IBDP curricula lesson at Hamelin-Laie International School Barcelona
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El nostre programa educatiu propi redefineix el concepte d’aprenentatge a partir de sis pilars: 
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Una experiència d’aprenentatge excepcional
Proporcionarem al seu fill o la seva filla una experiències inoblidables que enriquiran sòlidament el seu caràcter. Des d’esports i arts, aquestes experiències eixamplaran la seva visió del món i els ajudaran a ser el que volen ser.
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Outstanding learning experiences
At Hamelin-Laie, connecting with the world beyond the classroom is just as important as learning inside the classroom. We prepare your child for life through a great assortment of activities, opportunities, trips, and experiences. These will also help them build their own personal toolbox for success.

Beginning in the early years, our focus on personal, social, and emotional growth will prepare your child for the future. Through playful and stimulating activities, they’ll become increasingly aware of others, take control of their actions, and share their feelings. They’ll also learn how to cooperate and build their empathy. 

By primary school, they’ll be ready to jump into exciting, specialised classes like ‘musical theatre’, where they’ll collaborate with others. At secondary school, they’ll build their confidence while expressing themselves through public speaking, theatre, and research and orientation classes.

We'll encourage your child to try new things, too, so they can push boundaries, challenge themselves, and explore their passions. Our school trips also offer incredible opportunities, from skiing to representing our school at Nord Anglia international competitions. We balance these with formal opportunities to build your child's skills – like learning how to play a musical instrument or how to play chess in school – and practical opportunities, like practicing safety skills through 'Basic Life Support' (BLS).
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Una experiència d’aprenentatge excepcional

A la Hamelin-Laie, connectar amb el món més enllà de l’aula és tan important com les lliçons que s’hi fan. Preparem el seu fill o la seva filla per a la vida amb tot un seguit d’activitats, oportunitats, sortides i experiències que els despertin a les possibilitats que se’ls obren al món. D’aquesta manera, tot això també els ajudarà a omplir la seva motxilla personal per tenir èxit.

Començant als primers anys, l’enfocament que donem al creixement personal, social i emocional prepararà pel futur al seu fill o la seva filla. Mitjançant activitats lúdiques i estimulants, seran cada cop més conscients dels altres, agafant el control de les seves actuacions, a més de compartir també els seus sentiments. Aprendran a cooperar i a crear la seva pròpia empatia.

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An advanced learning environment
Tucked into the safe and friendly town of Montgat, only 20 minutes from Barcelona's historical and cultural heart, Hamelin-Laie International School Barcelona has beautiful seaside surroundings and modern, purpose-built facilities. With bright and spacious classrooms, and free-flowing spaces across four thoughtfully designed floors, our students have inspiring views of the Mediterranean Sea and local mountains, making Hamelin-Laie a special place to grow. Our campus was designed for the future, and we continuously invest in improvements to enhance it for your child’s learning experiences.

In addition to our high-tech classrooms, we have several creative and specialist spaces on campus that make our environment unlike any other. Students can get creative and express themselves in our bespoke music, art, and dance studios. Outside, we have a one-of-a-kind Greek amphitheatre, where students stage performances and captivate audiences. We also have state-of-the-art science, design, and technology labs for the full array of STEAM experiments and challenges. Here, we stimulate our students’ minds and encourage them to imagine a world of possibilities, so they can activate their creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking skills.

We also have several dedicated spaces for outdoor learning on campus. Your child can get active on our AstroTurf pitch or play with friends in our numerous play spaces. We even have a forest garden, where they can immerse themselves in nature.
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Our social purpose
Your child's education will be enriched by our global outlook, which will show them how to make their mark by helping others. They’ll get involved in sustainability initiatives, fundraisers, donation collections, and other service projects. 
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Our social purpose
Our students participate in different initiatives that prove them to be a genuine force for good. When we want them to take a hands-on approach to solving problems, we don't limit them to our classrooms or school, but encourage them to expand into the greater community and eventually, our world! Many of our students assist local and global organisations that support those in need through food drives, toy collections, and school-wide fundraisers, for example. 

These different service initiatives enrich our students' character and encourage them to truly embody school values, like respect, kindness, honesty, and commitment. And by secondary school, they become ready to shape our community as leaders, in roles like Student Ambassadors, Service Leaders, Student Council Leaders, and UNICEF Ambassadors. Our IBDP students even build and lead their own projects that connect with communities, completing the 'CAS' (Creativity, Activity, Service) component of the IB Diploma that prepares them for life in the world outside school.

At Hamelin-Laie, our students' global awareness is also a key aspect of how they're connecting with and helping others. Across our community of over 45 nationalities, we encourage mutual respect and cultural celebration, energising them to consider ways to make our world more peaceful and sustainable. Through Human Rights Day and World Peace Day, for example, they lead their own classroom activities and assemblies. They also get involved in our Nord Anglia collaboration with UNICEF to support causes worldwide. Some even get to participate in the UNICEF Summit at the United Nations headquarters in New York, where they show tremendous student leadership in speaking about the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.
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Academic excellence
At Hamelin-Laie, learning isn't limited to the classroom. To help your child thrive academically, we’ll support their growth as an individual. This prepares them to follow the pathway of their choice, including the renowned International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme.
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Academic excellence

At Hamelin-Laie, we offer a bespoke learning programme that's taught primarily in English. It’s specifically adapted from the Spanish National Curriculum and includes many learning opportunities in Spanish and Catalan. From exploring cultures through art and design to analysing literature from a global perspective, your child will flourish as an international citizen.

When your child completes secondary, they have a choice of two pathways at 16: the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) or the Nacional Bachillerato.

The world-renowned IBDP offers the perfect mix of academic and personal development. Your child can choose their areas of focus, honing talents at a globally respected level of rigour, while also taking part in exceptional opportunities for research, community service, and character growth. Our students regularly perform above global averages on the IBDP, which prepares them to study at excellent universities worldwide, like Cornell University in New York, King's College London, ESSEC Business School in France, or the University of Barcelona.

Alternatively, your child may follow the Nacional Bachillerato, where they’ll choose from the specialist branches of art, sciences, humanities, or social sciences. No matter what your child's desired academic and personal path may be, we’ll support them to make the best decisions for their passions. Our university counselling service delivers exceptional, tailored guidance that gets our students where they want to go. 

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The Nord Anglia Education family
When you join Hamelin-Laie, you become part of a happy learning community where many students stay with us for their entire educational journey. With us, your child will form lifelong friendships and global connections they can draw upon anywhere they go.
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The Nord Anglia Education family
The Hamelin-Laie family embraces students from every part of the world. Across our community of over 45 nationalities and a full range of one-year-olds to 18-year-olds, our students build vibrant relationships. Older ones act as role models and happily help younger ones. They may offer private tutoring or serve as leaders at primary summer camps, for example. 

Our House system also brings the whole community together through exciting challenges across year groups. Every primary student belongs to one of four Houses – Earth, Wind, Fire, or Water – where they take part in inter-house competitions and strive for general excellence in school life.

As part of Nord Anglia Education, we also take advantage of connections among our global network, where our students to exchange with peers and alumni worldwide. Among 75,000 Nord Anglia students from around the world, Hamelin-Laie students attend trips and events, global and regional festivals, and sporting competitions, where they can make lifelong friends. Large-scale challenges of Global Campus and the Nord Anglia Performing Arts Festival also connect them with others' approaches and perspectives. 

Our parents at Hamelin-Laie also strengthen our community and learning experiences. Our annual International Food Fair organised by parents, for example, encourages each family to share their culture and food. And our annual Hamelin Diada Day celebration brings everyone together around student performances, exhibitions, and activities.
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The world's best teachers
Our teachers are caring, committed, and compassionate. They bring a wealth of experience into our classrooms, which they use to create a bond with each student. This way, they can tailor instruction to your child's needs, strengths, and preferences.
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The world's best teachers
Our teachers love to energise and inspire young minds. We recruit them based on their expertise, passion, and ability to connect with our – and once they're with us, they frequently stay for many years. We’re delighted to have this rich, strong team from over 20 countries, who shape the day-to-day life of our tightknit community.  

Our teachers are invested in your child’s daily growth. They're masters at connecting with each child, understanding their personal interests and abilities, and tailoring instruction. This gives each student the ideal blend of challenge and support, who'll stretch them exactly where they need it. In turn, our teachers feel rewarded every time they witness growth and happiness.

Crucially, our exceptional educators uphold the best education practices in the world. Through Nord Anglia Education, our teachers are always honing their skills, thanks to professional development opportunities that include the latest discoveries and approaches from subject experts. Nord Anglia’s award-winning platform, Nord Anglia University, keeps them up to speed with resources from global experts, too. And through frequent faculty meetings and regular performance reviews, our team has built-in time and space to constantly refine.

Primary curriculum music lesson


Estem encantats de que es plantegi la Hamelin-Laie International School Barcelona com a centre educatiu pel futur del seu fill o la seva filla. El seu recorregut començarà amb l'èquip d’admissions, on li donaran la benvinguda i l’orientaran en el procés d’admissió. 
  • Posi’s en contacte amb el nostre equip per obtenir més informació sobre els interessants programes que oferim. 
  • Apunti’s en qualsevol moment per visitar l’escola o fer una trobada virtual de descoberta. 
  • Enviï una sol·licitud en línia adjuntant la documentació necessaria del seu fill o la seva filla. 
  • Coneixi els nostres equips acadèmics i d’internat. 
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01:53 AM
De dilluns a divendres de 7:30 a 16:30
Hamelin-Laie International School | Barcelona | Nord Anglia - ES-CA Local Area Map-weather icon 5.5 °C
178-180, Ronda 8 de Març, 08390 Montgat, Barcelona
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A Hamelin-Laie, posem el focus en el creixement integral del seu fill o la seva filla, i garantim que estarà segur i se sentirà feliç, és a dir, que li encantarà venir a l’escola! Sigui el que sigui el que el seu fill o la seva filla vulgui fer o ser a la vida, amb nosaltres, rebrà tot el que necessiti per tenir èxit al món.