Based on the Spanish Primary National Curriculum, our bespoke international primary curriculum at Hamelin-Laie International School Barcelona encourages open and curious minds within our international environment in Spain. As an international primary school in Barcelona, our students learn mainly in English, but also learn Spanish and Catalan during integrated opportunities. They embark upon adventures that strengthen their self-control and deepen emotional, social, listening, and critical thinking skills.
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Our approach to primary education

At Hamelin-Laie, our primary curriculum uses four pillars to guide all our students’ hands-on, interactive learning experiences. Through these four pillars, we shape every day to be full of memorable stories, academic progress, and personal growth.
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Project-based teamwork
Our students delve into collaborative projects that build upon and encourage their teamwork, problem-solving, and communication skills.
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Mathematical thinking
We emphasise each child’s mathematical skills, including their abilities in manipulation, deduction, logical thinking, and problem-solving.
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Hands-on exercises
We integrate hands-on physical activity into many learning experiences, recognising how it positively supports each child’s cognitive development, focus, and overall wellbeing.
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Musical learning
Our students learn an instrument of their choice. We recognise how learning music boosts each child’s cognitive abilities, creativity, and emotional expression.


We explore the following subjects in our international primary curriculum.
  • English Language and Literature: They strengthen their English language skills across reading, writing, and appreciating literature.
  • Geography: Practising map skills allow our students to understand the world's regions.
  • History: Through historical events and cultures of the past, our students discover what factors defined societies and how they have changed over time.
  • Languages: We foster multilingualism and cultural awareness, as our students learn Spanish and Catalan and choose from learning French, German, or Chinese.
  • Mathematics: Our students build their understanding of mathematical concepts, numbers, and problem-solving.
  • Natural Sciences: Our students explore scientific concepts, conduct experiments, and build an understanding of the natural world.
  • Physical Education and Health: Through physical activity and health education, they discover how to nurture their personal wellbeing.
  • The Arts: We focus on expanding and deepening their skills in music, the arts, and musical theatre, as they learn how to express themselves in different creative media.
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Whether they’re expressing creativity, getting active on the sports field, or giving back to our community, our students enjoy a great range of learning experiences.
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A fresh start
We begin our day with a focus on wellbeing, encouraging connections with peers and teachers during a TaiChi class overlooking the Mediterranean. Revitalised, our students are ready for a full day of fun and learning.
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A fresh start
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Switching languages
Students build their skills as open-minded global citizens from exposure to up to four languages each week! They get immersed in English, learn some subjects in Spanish and Catalan, and can begin study of their choice of French, Chinese, or German.
Switching languages
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Feeding bright minds
Students gather around a freshly prepared, nutritious lunch to rest and reset among peers. Then, they’re ready for some free time outdoors – playing table tennis, football, or simply soaking in the stunning Mediterranean climate.
Feeding bright minds
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We weave exciting offerings into our curriculum, like learning chess from the young age of five. Chess fosters students’ critical thinking skills through logic and reasoning, and it encourages their good sportsmanship, too.
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Full STEAM ahead! Our range of future-focused learning experiences build our students’ problem-solving skills among a team. Whether they tinker during science experiments or coding, there’s always something new to unlock.
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Doing what you love
Art or music? Sport or dance? Or how about musical theatre? The rich variety of clubs and activities in primary school allows students to jump into experiences that are tailored to their interests and that deepen their passions.
Doing what you love


As a top international primary school in Barcelona, we foster our students'love of learning as they continue to develop into well-rounded and eager learners, but that's just the beginning. Among our international community of over 45 nationalities learning English, Spanish, and Catalan, we’ll inspire your child to have an open-minded worldview and to make their mark in our globalised world – whatever they choose to be or do in life.

Enquire now
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